They said in a news program, I can not remember whether or Telerisa Millennium TV that about 21,000 Mexican soldiers risked their lives daily in the streets to deal with organized crime or drug traffickers. Other sources say they are like 50,000 (the military, drug traffickers and bad as 500.000; unemployed and future raw material cartels, Ninis, tianguistas or migrants, are like 3 million).
In a time when other news from a newspaper or internet stated that in 2 years calderonato war, were killed about 85 soldiers and around 28.000 or 30.000 people during the four years of this administration (including drug dealers, extortionists, pozole, organized crime, disorganized crime, civil, students, housewives, children, going through there and not fear it deberla or marinating it, guerrilla, the poor -milk, asshole, etc.. etc..)
And then the question invariably arises: who or who they really are risking their lives?
Extrapolating, imagine 200 or 1000 vs fallen military. 30.000 dudes who hung the shoes (bad or neighbor children ou comme moi comme toi). And that's assuming you do not lie to us the news. Right here in Mexico? Noooo, that's unthinkable.
Since the military will pay for it, is their profession, have been trained in handling weapons and dangerous situations, and in any case are training for a possible armed conflict (against Guatemala or Belize probably because the gringos leave us the mother in the first two hours).
If the bad guys also get paid for it or are forced (silver or lead).
But in our case?
No way to live in a bunker or working from home and order everything (food, clothing, Fun, etc.) online and from the safety of our house. I just hope that Mother Earth does not shake like to give in 1985 and then if we split the stem from the safety of our house.
"They risk their lives? hahahaha, good joke. Black humor, for sure.
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