Saturday, March 19, 2011

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Lent: Worship at Semiramis, Nimrod and Tammuz

Lent is a pagan celebration where we celebrate the 40 days of Semiramis crying to resurrect his son Tammuz

The Catholic Church, more well known as the Great Whore in Revelation adopted various rites borrowed from the Babylonian religion and introduced them in his doctrine as Christmas, but this article will focus on Lent, also known as Passover or Easter resurrection. Chaldean Origin

Alexander Hislop, in his book "The Two Babylons" details that Lent is Chaldean origin, this author says

"The festival, which we read in the history of the church, under the name of
" Easter "in the third or fourth century, was a festival unlike what is observed today the Roman Church [and Protestant], and at that time was not known as the name of "Easter". It was called Pascha, or Easter, y. .. was observed by many who professed Christians ... This festival originally remembered the time of Passover, when Christ was crucified ...
This festival was not idolatrous, and it came before Lent (The Two Babylons, p. 104)

Babylon and The Origin of Religion by Michael Rood, a messianic preacher who goes around the world showing the Bible

Cassianu Johannes, who died in ascetic priest the year 435, under the title of Father of the Church said:

"But you know," wrote Johannes Cassianus (John Cassian) in the fifth century, "that while the primitive church retained its perfection without breaking, the observance of Lent did not exist "(First Conference Abbot Theonas chapter 30).

40 Days of tears Tammmuz

"The forty days abstinence of Lent was directly borrowed from the worshipers Babylonian goddess. Such a Lent of forty days in the spring of the year, still observed by the Yezidis or pagan Devil worshipers Koordistan, who inherited from their former masters, the Babylonians. Such a Lent of forty days was held in the spring by the Mexican
pagan ... Such a Lent of forty days was observed in Egypt ... "(The Two Babylons, pp. 104, 105). In fact, this Egyptian Lent forty days was observed expressly in honor of Osiris , also known as Adonis in Syria and Tammuz in Babylon (Sabaean Researches, by John Landseer, pp. 111, 112).

image Samiramis Babylonian Goddess and Tammuz, the false messiah, and the same representation but in the Virgin Mary and baby Jesus, but in Roman Catholicism, taking the same form of the Babylonian culture

Pastor David L. Brown, Ph.D. Logos Resource Pages, writes:
"According to ancient legend, Nimrod died, and became the sun god. His wife Semiramis was impregnated by a sunbeam, and gave birth to Tammuz (a false virgin birth). Later Tammuz was killed by a boar. However, after crying for 40 days of Semiramis, Tammuz returns to life, which is a falsification of the resurrection. In fact, this was the origin of the false religious system that involves the worship of the mother and child. In fact, during the captivity of Babylon in Jeremiah we see that this was the worship of Israel, doomed to the Semiramis as "Queen of Heaven" (Jeremiah 7, 18, 19, 44: 15-30). In the temple of Jerusalem, worshiped Tammuz, the son of Semiramis (Ezek. 8: 14, 15) That devil worship spread throughout the world "

Easter Egg

painted Easter eggs are also related to the mysterious rites of ancient Babylon. Edward Davies said in his book "The Mythology and Rites of the Druids Britons" that the ancient Druids were the egg as a sacred emblem of their idolatrous order. Eggs were sacred to many ancient civilizations and formed an integral part of religious ceremonies in Egypt and the Orient.

image image The representation of Lady Gaga at the Grammys 2011 could well be a cult of Semiramis, the Babylonian goddess, born from an egg.

According to James Bonwick: "Eggs were hung in Egyptian temples. Bunsen calls attention to the mundane egg, the emblem of generative life, proceeding from the mouth of the great god of Egypt. The mystic egg of Babylon, which hatched out the Venus Ishtar, fell from the sky Euphrates. Painted eggs were sacred offerings in Egypt and are still China and Europe. Easter, or spring, was the time of birth, field and celestial "
(Egyptian Belief and Thought Modern, pp. 211-212). According

Julius Hyginus, Greco-Roman writer, who was in charge of the Palatine library said

image image

Representation shaped lagargo Venus.

"A great big egg fell from heaven, left the mouth of the great God and fell into the Euphrates River. Fish surrounded him to shore. Pigeons began to settle on the egg, to incubators, and behold, came the goddess "Venus"

"Later this same goddess was called Venus Semiramis Astarte or Ishtar, and pronunciation that was given to Ishtar is the same as that given to Easter in the English language.

"Introduction to the Catholic Church

According to the blog Nimbro:

" The Church broke with the Jewish biblical tradition celebrating Easter on 14 Nisan (First month of the calendar Jew), the eve of the death of Jesus on Good Friday, from the Council of Nicaea in 325 , decided to hold Sunday (Day of the Sun-Sunday-or the Lord) the resurrection of Jesus . "

Emperor Constantine, a pagan, was the one who called the First Council of Nicaea in 325 AD to "promote religious peace within the empire"

image The use of the turban of the ancient pagan priests in honor the fish-god "Dagon" false "savior." You can observe the modern representation of the fish-men sprinkling holy water as did the ancient pagan priests.

was Constantine who changed the worship of the Eternal Sabbath to Sunday, day of the Sun and the God Mithras, who was the Light of the World. Constantine with a number of priests Mitra (Mitra) were those that formed the paganism into Christianity.


The Catholic church is the pure evil has perverted Christianity, synthesizing with paganism, ie to worship the gods of Babylon, "BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER of Harlots and Abominations of the Earth " (Rev. 17:5).

Lent is a pagan celebration where we celebrate the 40 days of Semiramis crying to resurrect his son Tammuz, like it is Christmas. Our duty therefore is to warn everyone of the origin of these celebrations for not become worshipers of the devil.

Evil forces exist today and their rituals are maintained over the centuries. Related Entries



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