The electricity produced from nuclear power is the key for countries back out of underdevelopment
The earthquake of 11-M-11 has followed a highly calculated series of steps that I have decided to share with the readers of moves, in my view is clear, which of course can be wrong. This is my theory, based on the problem - Reaction - Solution David Icke:
The attack was caused by man
The attack was provoked by a new geophysical weapon by the name of HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program). The project is not secret, exists and is documented in Wikipedia:
The High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program or HAARP (research program of high frequency active auroral) ionosphere is a program funded by the Air Force and Marina U.S. the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) and the University of Alaska . [1] Its aim is to study the properties of the ionosphere and promote technological advances to improve their ability to encourage radio and surveillance systems (such as missile detection ).
Wikipedia does not hide what they told the Russians in their link on HAARP:
potential as a weapon
The HAARP program was controversial at the mid-1990 due to the assumption that the antennas Station could be used as weapons. In August 2002, the HAARP technology had a mention as a critical issue in the Duma (parliament) of Russia. The Duma drafted a press release on the HAARP program, written by committees of defense and international affairs, signed by 90 representatives and presented to then President Vladimir Putin. The press release stated:
"The U.S. is creating new integral geophysical weapons that may influence the troposphere with radio waves of low frequency ... The importance of this qualitative leap is comparable to the transition from knives to guns, or conventional weapons to nuclear weapons. This new type of weapons differs from any other known in the troposphere and its components become objects on which you can influence. "
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HAARP cam 1 - cam HAARP Alaska | 2 - Alaska |
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The array under | construction monitoring center |
HAARP there, friends Why is never named in the media? (Or rather disinformation )
The aim was to create a nuclear disaster in Japan
The intention with the earthquake in Japan was mainly to reopen the nuclear debate, nothing less than challenging the country's safest world in terms of earthquake concerns.
According to the book of John Colemman "The Committee of 300":
must clearly understand the reasons why nuclear power is so hated in most countries, and why the fake environmental movement - created and paid by the Club of Rome - was asked to declare war on that energy source. Generating cheap and abundant electric power from nuclear reactors, the developing countries would become gradually independent of U.S. foreign aid and could consolidate its sovereignty . The electricity produced from nuclear power is the key to the backward countries out of underdevelopment in which the 300 Club have been ordered to stay.
A lower foreign aid, lower would be the control of natural resources in various countries by the IMF. The idea that nations rigieran developing their own destiny was anathema to the Club of Rome and the 300 Club who runs the world. We have seen opposition to nuclear power successfully used to block progress, in accordance with the plans of the Club for Growth was zero in the post-industrial.
Having to rely on foreign aid from U.S. these countries in fact have been subjected to bonded Council on Foreign Relations. The people of the recipient countries will reach a small part of money that usually ends up in the coffers of government leaders to allow the IMF brutally strip the country of its natural resources and capital goods.
The Committee of 300 is one of the leading agencies in the shadow of the enlightened who would report to the Bilderberg and Club of Rome among others.
The human drama of the thousands killed in the beginning should be the focus of the media and governments
Search for "Japanese" on 11 March in Spain Google
Search of "Japan" on 12 March in Spain Google
The media and politicians should put the focus on the threat of nuclear leakage following days.
Search for "Japanese" on 13 March in Spain Google
Search for "japon "March 14 in Spain Google
02/12/2011 The Bilderberg Country / Liberty begins its campaign of terror antinuclear
environmental groups and politicians begin to stir the debate against nuclear power plants.
March 13 press and starts waving the green movement against nuclear
March 14 and calls for a referendum on energy nuclear and begin to organize a rally to March 27
Okay Zapatero What about when you will stop buying nuclear energy in France?
Zapatero dizzy partridge with "elogojetas" will be the first to fall Garoña that was already on thin ice
Web Greenpeace Spain, cover. Already have a cause for which their pockets to finance part of the Rockefeller Foundation (owner of ExxonMobil)
Public opinion would request the closure of nuclear
Governments around the world exposed to earthquakes begin to close its nuclear plants.
So far Germany and will close 2 nuclear plants!
elite phrases "ecolojeta"
1. "Any kind of complex technology is an attack on human dignity. It would be a disaster for us if they discovered a rich source of energy, clean and cheap, if we consider what man would do with it. " Amory Lovins, founder of Rocky Mountain Institute, an environmental think-tank.
2. "The prospect of having cheap energy from fusion reactors is the worst that could happen to the planet."
Jeremy Rifkin, Foundation on Economic Trends (foetida).
3. "Put in the hands of cheap energy society and in large numbers would be like giving an idiot child a machine gun."
Paul Ehrlich, professor Stanford University.
4. "My three main goals are to reduce the world population about 100 million people, destroy the industrial base and ensure that wildlife, with all its species, was recovered in the whole world."
Dave Foreman, cofounder of Earth First !
5. "The Earth has cancer and that cancer is man." Club of Rome
6. "The extinction of the human species is not only inevitable, it's a good thing."
Christopher Manes, Earth First!
7. "Looking for a new enemy against whom to recover the unity of action, we had the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortage, hunger and things like that work very well fulfilled." Club of Rome
8. "We need broad support to stimulate the imagination of the public ... To do this we must provide terrifying scenarios, make dramatic statements and simple and not allow too many questions ... Each of us must decide where the balance between effectiveness and honesty. " Stephen Schneider, Stanford Professor of Climatology, author of many IPCC reports .
9. "We are at the beginning of a global transformation. All you need is the right major crisis. "
David Rockefeller, a member of the management of the Club of Rome.
10. "No matter what is true. Account only what people think is the truth. " Conclusion
All this movement from the earthquake to the events corresponds to a plan for the government interwoven internationalist UN, IMF, international banks and others to take more control over the sovereignty of nations today.
A nation without nuclear power is a poor nation with its people in debt, unable to progress. In Spain, look no further electricity pay 6 times more expensive than if it were nuclear.
But people fleecy and manipulated by the terror will go on street shouting against nuclear power plants. But the real cry going to take when the bill comes they light a few years here. The electricity will become a luxury for the middle class in ways extinction. This is the world we are coming to the New World Order. Related Entries
- Japan devastated an 11-M-11
- "HAARP?: 88,000 people" disappeared "in Japan
- Greenpeace: Funded by Rockefellers
- Ideicas Ecologetas: "Cancer is the man"
- -nota_201103121606.html
- en-Espana.html
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