as workers and witnesses, some 40,000 people were scheduled and tortured
If you recently discovered that Monster, the new perfume Lady Gaga is related to alchemy and contained blood and semen, Reb'l Fleur, the new fragrance by Rihanna is not far behind in advertising, where you can see Rihanna in a promotional clip full of symbolism Monarch. Once again, it confirms that Rihanna and many other celebrities are under hypnosis and dissociation of mind.
Everything fits, Rihanna is the all-seeing eye in advertising for Vodafone
Rihanna in her music video for "If It's Lovin'That you Want" shows the all-seeing eye on the back of a bather, if could be any doubt ...
meansMK Mind Kontrolle ultra Ultra (Ultra mind control), comes from the German Kontrolle in recognition of the Nazis. This project is to experiment with drugs like LSD and derivatives. Some people volunteered to experiments. Nearly 7000 people with or without their consent consumed these drugs.
The pyramid and the serpent in the Sandoz logo
Allan Dulles, CIA director in 1951 commissioned one hundred million doses of LSD in the Sandoz Laboratoris IG Farben, which nomber is now Sandoz AG, the inventor of lysergic acid (LSD)
result of MK Ultra Monarch was born the project that is programaraon dissociated, as workers and witnesses, some 40,000 people were scheduled and tortured. Monarch is used to refer to any slave of mind control. The
Differentiated scheduled for assassination were tattooed with a rose, a butterfly sex slaves.
Rihanna in Russian Roulette clip shows blatantly as programmed in one of Monarch Labs included black men, as in the clip Reb'l Fleur
Butterfly Monarch is a special animal as she learns where she was born and transmit their knowledge through the genes, like humans transmit the power to dissociate, ie people are more prone to mental control.
The "Princess of the enlightened" or "princess of the Illuminati "is simply a victim of the Monarch project, as Lady Caca, Ke $ ha and many others ... A poor wretch who has been hypnotized to brainwash the young and create a kind of flat-minded sheep.
Legend monarch put forward by Vigilant citizen
Reb'l original video or Flor Fleur rebelnde
must be very blind not to see the evidence. But understandably, the enlightened us indoctrinated from birth to believe what the system says. Rihanna is not far from a celebrity, it is actually a victim of this world, the price of fame and more sadistic cruelty.
Worst of all is the garbage that surrounds and Rihannas Cacas Lady is the religion of a new youth that is being raised with values \u200b\u200band materialistic Luciferians, flat with a mind unable to recognize good evil, that is, some poor little lambs hypnotized into the hands of wolves great jaws.
MTV or "Masonic Television, remote control for the" Tavistock Institute "mind control is being undertaken to brainwash our youth. But
all is not lost, there is still time to react, do not be afraid, awake, there are thousands of people already have!! Related Entries
- Rihanna: Illuminati Satanic Slave
- Rihanna and "Russian roulette": Monarch for their children
- "Monster": The new perfume of Lady Gaga and alchemy Marky
- Wheels: Son of MK-Ultra
- MK Ultra: POP satanic illuminati I
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